Thursday, June 15, 2006


I made it up to Chiang Mai today and I really like it up here. Its much smaller than Bangkok and full of history. I was able to see quite a few temples on foot this afternoon. Tommorow, I am headed on an Eco-Trek for 3 days into the mountains. We will be staying with some hill tribes and I think one of the tribes that does the "stretched-out neck ring thing" (yah, i'm really informed). I feel quite rejuvenated since getting off of the island, the people here are much more chill and into actually experiencing the culture instead of listening to their shitty dance music and wearing men's capri pants. On a side note, sorry to bother everyone with my digestive problems, but it seemed very important at the time. ha Also, I purchased a Norman Mailer book today, so I don't need to fake interest in Soccer to make friends anymore.


Blogger m said...

Soccer players get the hottest girlfriends, you know. Maybe you should develop a REAL interest in the sport, big guy! :-)

Also, let's get some pictures posted, dude. Especially when you get pics of the ringed-long-neck people. Awesome.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Kraemerica said...

Mindy-You are assuming that soccer players "prefer the company of women" and that is a very big assumption. Plus, of course you would love soccer you can be the dominate one in the relationship. haha

I can't post pics from this comp...sorry

6:41 AM  
Blogger m said...

Smartass. ;-)

11:51 AM  

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