Monday, June 05, 2006

After my long day of travel, I arrived at my new home at 2am. I met a bunch of cool people on the airplane ride and was in a great mood by the time I arrived in Bangkok. The homesickness was erased by the excitement of a new city. The place I am staying is a complete dump in US standards but average in Thai standards it seems, but for $5 usd, what do you expect. In my 6 bed, hostel room I was awakened in the middle of the night by a cockroach on my pillow! The next 10 minutes where a hilarious battle of travel-weary Nick vs. Bangkok cockroach. In the end, I won, but that damn cockroach certainly intruded on my dreams (i had a year's worth of nightmares in one night). However, I ended up having the best day of the trip so far! After wondering down many of the crowded markets, I met a native Thai (now living in Australia) whom showed me around the city. It was great, I'm sure I got a much different view of the city than the average tourist. He was once a buddhist monk and gave me a tour of many of the local temples/shrines. By tuk-tuk and boat, we weaved our way through the city. Tonight, I am headed to Kho Shan Road, which is known as the place for backpackers to meetup. Then, I am on to Kho Phang Nan tomorrow by overnight bus and ferry. It is an island, that will be much more touristy than my experience today, but I am ready for some relaxing. I have planned it so I will be there for a Full Moon Party....good times. Wish me luck!!


Blogger m said...

How is authentic Thai food? How does it compare to 'Taste of Thailand' in St Paul? More cockroach dishes?

Blech! I get shivers just thinking of waking up to a cockroach!!

6:35 AM  
Blogger Kraemerica said...

the thai food is amazing...remember how i always order the hottest i can get...well the street vendors here have taught me a lesson! cockroaches are really quite friendly, just give them a chance, I thought you loved nature?
good info to know. i think i will be careful at the party. they have real red bull over here (illegal in the states) and thats what i'll be sticking to.

7:01 PM  
Blogger m said...

Haha - funny. I guess I am a, I don't like bugs. Especially cockroaches. Sue me.

Also, didn't you kill that cockroach? That's not very loving, Mr. Nature Lover! ;-)

6:13 AM  
Blogger m said...

Also, you must've been tired when you made this post since you didn't even give it a title. Isn't it nice of me to point this stuff out? You're welcome.

6:14 AM  
Blogger Kraemerica said...

i didn't kill it, i saved it in a jar and named it chris, he's been travelling with me eversince, we're bff. thanks for pointing that out, btw where is your blog at these days??

9:45 PM  

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