Friday, November 03, 2006

Duck Butter

I've been so busy here that its been impossible to post anything.

I purchased a sailboat, so I've got that going for me. Its a Catalina 22. It has a little cabin in it, kinda a weekend boat. Its in a slip at the marine park I work at and I can sail during my lunch break (if its not raining, which is a large "if" these days). Does anyone need more motivation to visit?? I think not.

She needs a little work, but I took it on it's maiden voyage last weekend. I've met a bunch of cool people through my program with the University. A few of them came up for the trip!!

The hiking around where I live is absolutely phenomenal! This is a 15 mile round trip from my house, its called Tunnel Falls. You can actually walk in the little cave under the falls. The girl leaning over the ledge lives in the gorge and we've been out on a bunch of adventures lately.